This doesn’t look like a Jekyll blog…

We have finally got to something other than a Jekyll blog, which is Razor Pages! Razor Pages is quite interesting, and using Visual Studio is vastly different compared to Atom and the way I make updates to this blog.

When following the tutorial for this lab, I thought it was quite easy to initially set-up the project, as everything auto-populates itself for you, and you only have to make edits to a few files. I was quite confused when it came to adding new migrations, and my lab broke numerous times when I was trying to edit the website into something I was personally interested in. It was the migrations that I had a struggle replicating in Step 2 specifically.

The major difference between Razor Pages and Jekyll is that in Razor Pages there are .cshtml files where you change what your specific page looks like, but in Jekyll you use markdown. There’s vastly different syntax between the two. I feel quite confident in my ability however to continue using Razor Pages to create new websites, as the tutorials are very helpful to learn from, and so I believe I have exponential room to grow in my knowledge of Razor Pages.

Here’s a link to my website!